Laboratories / Production department

Production divisions of QXMITI

Deputy Director of General Management for Production and Marketing
F. Khodzhiev implements.

Experimental plot

The experimental plot is self-financed by growing agricultural products and selling them to residents and organizations. In addition to crop production, the experimental site produces livestock products on its 250 head cattle farm.

Implementation of scientific and technical achievements in production, as a result of which, increasing soil fertility, obtaining high yield from agricultural crops, mechanization and electrification of work performed in animal husbandry, seed production and other fields of agriculture are one of the important tasks that must be performed at the experimental site.

At the same time, the experimental site is a department of the institute. Therefore, one of the main tasks set before the experimental site can be expressed as follows:

It is to create conditions at the level of one's capabilities for conducting experiments and tests in field conditions with new agricultural techniques and technologies created by the institute's scientific laboratories, and actively participating in these activities.

Тажриба участкаси раҳбари М. Норқулов.

Head of the experimental site M. Norkulov.

Agromelioration technology parks of KHMITI in Beruni, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Jondor, Bukhara Region, Navbahor, Navoi Region, Guzor, Kashkadarya Region, and Rishton District, Fergana Region . organized in project districts within the framework of large foreign projects based on orders.

The main goal of the organization of agromelioration technological parks is to demonstrate and implement scientific implementation of soil-protecting, resource-water-saving technologies and their implementing equipment in the project districts.

Technological parks are equipped with modern tractors and agricultural and reclamation machines for the implementation of resource-saving technologies of agricultural crop cultivation . Despite the completion of project works, technological parks continue their activities with the further expansion of research and implementation works.

Date of change: 17.04.2023

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Postal address: 110800, Republic of Uzbekistan, 41 house, Samarkand street, Gulbahor town, Yangiyol district, Tashkent region.

Phone: +998-70-601-0704
Fax: +998-70-601-0704

Тескари алоқаТелеграмм канал qxmiti